fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

time begins to count.

Monday, Oct. 27, 2003
this marks the last day that i talked to you, and you talked back... one year ago.

i was in bed already, curled up around the pillow, listening over the phone to you brush your teeth and calling soleil into bed. i waited until you crawled into bed, too. and we talked for a few hours about little things and big things. we decided that it would be a little over a year before we'd be able to live together again since you had to finish school. we talked about my visit. and how we missed each other so.

my eyes began to get heavy.

but as usual, we could have talked all night.

i love you, my bean.

i love you, too, beh.

and i hung up the phone.

:: 11:20 pm ::

now playing ... a mix cd

heads :: tales