fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

mixed metaphors, stage left.

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004
open, fighting, and begging for more ... got me pinned to quite a T don't ya? think my shoulders are aching as they're pushed hard against the ground? think my blood will run over my eyes and start to sting? do you think i'll stop kicking, thrashing, screaming?

not as long as there's still a bit of steel creeping through my veins.

not as long as i'm still breathing.

make your assumptions, carve your answers precisely into the concrete ... you can't change your responses now. pencils down.

so, now, answer me this, how did you propose to cover your face when your hands are restrained by any bit of conscience?

:: 4:20 pm ::

now playing ... tom waits (raindogs)

heads :: tales