fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

you are a reader. i am the read.

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004
you know, someone (i won't name names) was getting on my case about the fact that i don't write on this site as much as i used to, or as much as they're used to reading from me.

i didn't have much to say to that, but that i was sorry, sort of, but not really ....

see, i've kinda always taken the stance that this is where i come when i've got something that can't be censored, that needs to get off my chest, that really needs to be formed into words, that my friends should probably read, that i really don't understand .....

and so it's bittersweet that i haven't been writing as much on this site. and i'm trying to focus on the sweet.

and it will come back in three fold over the next week, trust me.

pay attention.

:: 8:45 pm ::

now playing ... noise weeping in from the television in the other room

heads :: tales