fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

talking about it.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002
i had four conversations last night with four different people who all know me in four extremely unique ways.

first, lightfallsup and i remarked on families and books that we've all worked too hard to forget. so everyone, run out and buy a copy of the bridge to terabithia.

then, for three hours, my ex-boyfriend and i closed a gap of a year over brain cancer and why i should probably be medicated.

upon the end of that, the way i end most of my evenings since boy has gone, my best friend and i elaborated on the rituals of trying to live, because that's just what we do best.

for the final note, a small iridescent leaf wafted into my third eye and the wind chimes rang, just so i would know that he was there. we talked softly until i fell asleep.

:: 10:28 pm ::

now playing... the weakerthans (left and leaving)

heads :: tales