fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

three months. three days.

Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003
i never thought it would have been this long, this long without hearing your voice or seeing your face or understanding what you had to say. i never thought i'd have to go this long without you.

but we face up to our responsibilities. and we chew on the end of the pen, knowing that there are some words stuck in there somewhere. one day, eventually, we take the change as our own.

that day may be today, but most likely it's interwoven with all of those tomorrows.

i've proved myself to me and mine. granted, i haven't really lived in the past three months, glazing over at the slightest mention. i'm still trying, and those callouses have gotten hard, but i've got responsibilities ... and i've still got you. it's just not right where i want you.

three months and three days, you've been gone. and don't you think about how hard it was when i'd go to my parents' house for the night, and you didn't want me to go. i used to wrap my arms around your leg so that you wouldn't go to work for those long seven hours. now, it's three months and three days, and i've been down here looking out and up for what seems like forever.

:: 2:58 pm ::

now playing ... automatic 7 (beggar's life)

heads :: tales