fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

cop out entry.

Monday, Mar. 24, 2003
i was dared to write about something that makes me happy, and though i'm not privvy to listening to what people think, superman's always had a heavy weight on my scales.

so here we go, a nice combined list of favorites, thinking of things that bring that smile (no matter how slight)to my lips....

waking up to rain, phone calls from friends far away, dr. gonzo and soleil, days that i don't have to go to work, being able to sleep in something called peace, the thought of moving to rio, going to shows, bellydancing, gardening, my niece and nephew, knowing what it was like to be in love, comic books, windchimes, having someone know what i mean when i say griggs, minieggs, cd stores, pictures of boy, finding something that i thought i'd lost, discovering that i have more money than i thought in my bank account, tom waits on the jukebox, and chai.

they're all tinged with sadness, and my memories bring back old emotions. happiness is far away and cold, but there are still things that warm my face in shadows.

:: 1:00 pm ::

now playing ... tsunami bomb (the ultimate escape)

heads :: tales